Who is Carlotasweb and what is Carlotas’web Shop?
Carlotasweb is a mother, a woman, a dog lover, an explorer, and a ‘home is where the heart is’ kind of gal. Who are you?
Carlotasweb’s Shop is a family lifestyle store oriented towards providing and suggesting useful, multifunctional, and eco-friendly everyday items.
Vivienne Westwood
After a journey of over 20 years, through life experiences full of achievements and failures, we have arrived at the destination: CARLOTASWEBSHOP.
Like many of us, we believe that we only live once and that life is short, that we belong to the earth and not the other way around. Our society is so oriented on overconsumption that we are killing our planet in the process. We don’t think twice about what impact our purchase might entail on our planet or ourselves.
At Carlotaswebshop, we don’t expect you to buy the whole store but the products that we do select have to meet certain criteria and answer some basic questions, such as but not limited to the following:
- is this product useful?
- can it me multifunctional? ( we love it when it can)
- is it harmful to the environment? (the answer better be NO)
- does it empower me? (feeling good about oneself is beneficial to YOUR environment and is important to us as well)
- does it enlighten me? (personal growth is always a good thing)
- is it worth the investment? (we don’t want you to waste your money)
- is it durable? (longevity is key)
We hope to inspire you through our store to shop differently, more carefully and to think in another way in terms of the need to have certain products.
A win-win for your wallet and our planet.
The majority of our products have been used by members of our team (Carlotasweb, Big Boss, Junior, Blondie Bear, and Nouki) or offered as gifts. We believe in them and have found them purposeful, educational and yes FUN.
If you have ideas or suggestions of products that could meet our criteria or philosophy, please let us know at carlotaswebshop@gmail.com. We would be thrilled to look them up and research them or even collaborate with you. After all, that is what we are all about. Help us help you!
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The Bambini
The Bambini: From our ancestral language, Italian, meaning a baby or young child.
Too often people will act like John Travolta in Face-Off and become a completely different person when they have a baby on the way or after its arrival. We are always baffled when we see people leave a children’s store with a cart full of items. Most of them are useless and unnecessary and will end up at a garage sale 3 months later or in the trash.
We know, we get it. It’s exciting to shop for bambinis, but think more quality over quantity, less is more, you know?
You don’t have to buy every single article invented to take care of your child. Your child will grow up just fine either way.
At Carlotasweb’s Shop, we suggest products that will serve their purpose well. Once again, great for your wallet and our planet.
Need an overview of what you need to get started when you have a bay on the way? Here is our article on the Baby Essentials to give you an idea.
Magic is just around the corner.

Bambini (Kids)
Useful and well-curated gear for your baby or toddler. Bambini comes from our ancestral language, Italian, meaning a baby or young child. Too often people will act like John Travolta in Face-Off and become a completely different person when they have a baby on the way or after its arrival. We are always baffled when we see people leave a children’s store with a cart full of items, most of them useless and unnecessary that will end up at a garage sale 3 months later or in the trash. We know, we get it, it is exciting to shop for Bambinis, but think more quality over quantity, less is more, you know?
The Bubble
The Bubble: Home is where the heart lives. It’s also where we spend most of our time aside from work or school and activities.
What your home looks like is a reflection of who you are. Now, don’t go hiring a designer. You can do it all on your own.
We love color but all white and grey looks great as well. We’ve found some great items that will generate less waste (wraps, bags), that are purposeful, cost-efficient, and that will look great in your bubble.
Your personal Eden awaits.

Bubble (Home)
Home is where the heart lives, it is also where we spend most of our time aside from work or school and activities. What your home looks like is a reflection of who you are. Now, don’t go hiring a designer! You can do it all on your own. We love color but all white and grey looks great as well. We’ve found some great items that will generate less waste (wraps, bags), that are purposeful, cost-efficient, and that will look great in your bubble. Your personal Eden awaits!
The Explorer
The Explorer: This is self-explanatory. Anything travel or camping related.
We are always on the move, whether picnicking, camping or traveling. Be what you think you can’t be, get out of your comfort zone and explore.

Explorer (Outdoors)
Be what you think you can’t be, get out of your comfort zone and explore more with these specifically curated items.
The Nouki
The Nouki: We saved the best for last (don’t tell Junior or Blondie Bear).
Named after the newest addition to our tribe, this collection represents items useful for your dog (small, medium, or Nouki size).
The products need to be durable because you don’t want to have to keep replacing them due to a severe case of anxiety or teething.
That’s why we like rubber products because stuffed animals or cheap toys do not pass at all (as in never) the Nouki test.
There are some gadgets in the collection because some of you treat your pet like a Bambini and that is OK with us, we do too. However, the majority of the line is for the well being of your dog and our environment.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, not even your dog.

Nouki (Pets)
Special gear for your favorite bear or cub.
The Poppies
The Poppies: A poppy is a flower that grows in the wild and that cannot be picked or it dies.
This collection is for all the (working) mothers out there. It’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost and to be strong.
Sometimes, buying a new outfit will give us a sense of power, even if it’s just a facade. But you can’t always go on a shopping spree therapy to make yourself feel good.
We have a couple of books that might enlighten and help you in that regard. You can also read our article on Inspiring books to read to help you get started.
As a (single) working mother, it’s not easy to juggle work and daycare or school drop off and pick up on your own (we know). Plus with the cost of raising kids, it can get nightmarish.
So who has time to think of oneself, our own well-being, our sense of empowerment? That is why we are here.
Let us do the thinking, the research, and unload some of that burden for you and remember:
Elegance Never Fades Away.

Poppies (Women)
A Poppies motto is: be wild, be free, be bold, be untouchable!
A poppy is a flower that grows in the wild and that cannot be picked or it …well you know. This collection is for all the (working) mothers out there. No one puts Poppies in a vase.
To learn more about us in-depth, where we come from (our journey), what we are about, and what our passions are, visit our BLOG.
Here is a little explanation behind the names of our categories.

A journey of a thousand miles begins in one’s stomach. That is not the proper quote but you get the idea. This has everything to do with eating, drinking and meal preparation.
Da Vinci (Education)

Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets’ (Leonardo Da Vinci). A renaissance man for his time and beyond.
What does it mean to be a renaissance man or woman?
A person who is well educated and sophisticated and who has talent and knowledge in many different fields of study.
Salon (Self & home care)

Take care of your body, your mind and your home, it is the only place you have to live in.
Moon (Sleeping gear)

A well-spent day brings happy sleep. However, anyone who tells you they slept like a baby obviously don’t have one!
Coco (Fashion)

You can be irresistible at the beginning of your life, gorgeous at twenty, charming at thirty and irresistible again for the rest of your life. Elegance never fades away and neither should your style.
Rapido (the outdoors)

Everyone is an explorer. How could you look at a door and not open it?
This category is for leaving your home to enjoy the outdoors, travel, shop, play…