A quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, which I stumbled upon during our trip to Peru, goes as follows: “Women are like teabags; you don’t know how strong they are until you put them in hot water”.
Welcome to the world of conscious living and responsible parenting on a budget

Hi! I’m Charlotte, the girl behind Carlota’s Web.
Carlota’s Web is a multi-passionate blog that provides moms, single moms, expat-moms with real-life tips and inspiration to lead more exciting and conscious lives. Is that you?
We empower women to be active, reconnect with the basics which make life marvelous, and dare to embark on an adventure without necessarily having to follow in everyone else’s footsteps.
This might make you stand out but have no fear. Instead, see F.E.A.R. as FACE EVERYTHING and RISE (Marie Forleo). It’s ok to be the “black” sheep once in a while. You are unique and are entitled to your own point of view. You are not a failure, and never will be.
Whether you are looking for some travel tips, activity ideas, or just how to make do with what you already have, Carlota’s web shows you how. We share our travel experiences and activities which we do from and in and around Montreal as our new home base is there. All of it is with the intention to make the most of an experience without compromising our budget nor falling into the trap of high consumerism.
If you are passionate about creating and changing the way you look at life, this blog is for you.
We usually publish 3 to 4 times a month and always seek to serve our readers. The blog is not, however, about following the latest trends, at least not intentionally.
What’s with the name
So what’s behind the name and what does it mean?
Well, Carlota is Italian for Charlotte. So Carlotasweb = Charlotte’s Web. It’s fitting as Charlotte’s Web is also a book I read while living in Minnesota. Also, my grandfather was Italian.
The web makes sense as I am an eclectic person to start with. I don’t mean by that that I’m schizophrenic or have multiple personalities. Actually, if you ask my kids, they might say otherwise. Being multi-passionate is having interests in all kinds of domains such as but not limited to: traveling, raising kids, activities, music and dancing, reading, cooking, designing, etc…
My web (my world) is a mix and match of everything I like.
Like a lot of women out there, I don’t like to be stuck in just one place or category. It’s not a question of striving to be different intentionally but more about being conscious of the choices that I make. If I can keep it on the down-low financially, it’s even better.
This blog is unique as we suggest activities that are not only for kids or couples but also ones which we can do with dogs. After all, they are part of our family too. BUT, we don’t talk only about activities or traveling.

Carlota’s Web Mission
Raise your hand if you’ve ever rolled your eyes at a Facebook or Instagram post of a perfect family photo or of a girl in a long flowing dress overlooking the Adriatic Coast.
Hand up? Good! You’ve come to the right place then.
It’s annoying and frustrating, right?
Then, you think. What did I do recently (with the kids) that compares to that post to bring it on the same level? Nothing comes to mind.
Now, you tell yourself that you’re a bad mom. Your family is less than perfect. Your life is boring. I’m a loser. On and on you go. And now your emotions are in the gutter.
This is because we naturally compare ourselves to everyone else. Our lifestyles have become a competition. Being accepted and acknowledged makes us thrive. We do things because everyone else is doing it yet we rarely ask ourselves why. All we want is attention but are afraid to stand on our own. This makes us superficial and in all honesty, a sheep. Even though you don’t have to question everything you do, you could choose a different path once in a while. It’s OK to do too.
Perfection is just an idea. No one’s life is perfect. You know that right?
Figuring it out
Have you ever wondered when you looked around you and didn’t find the answer:
- How do I take care of a baby?
- How can I afford to travel with my child or by myself?
- Where can I find activities to do with my kids?
- What can I do with what I already have?
- Is there an alternative to just throwing this item into the trash?
- How can I make extra income or save money?
If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, you’re not alone. I, Carlota, have constantly asked myself these questions throughout my life. Through Carlota’s Web, we answer these questions for YOU.
Carlota’s Web might not (yet) have all the answers you’re looking for. But we do our best to find them when our instincts fail us. That is what Carlota’s Web is all about. LEARNING, DISCOVERING, EDUCATING, INSPIRING.
Being a (single) working mom is time-consuming. This is even more true when you move abroad. Let us help YOU take some of that load off. We live in Montreal but love to get out of the city, the province, and even the country to explore and live. Our mission is to encourage moms to do the same.
Inspire women who refuse to settle for anything less than an extraordinary life.
You can continue to travel, explore and live, even with a kid on your hip. We believe that it’s important for moms to transmit their thirst for life to their kids by raising their awareness and curiosity. Not only will it broaden their perspective of the world but it will keep the moms feeling like an adult. This can only be achieved through activities and shared moments and that is what we mean when we talk about Conscious Living & Responsible Parenting.
Carlota’s Web provides actionable tips to do no matter what your budget and lifestyle is. We’d rather spend less money on a lodging when travelling in order to prioritize the activities that we can do together. After all, unless you get sick during your travels, you won’t be spending too much time in your hotel room or rental. Does it make sense?
A conscious living lifestyle
Conscious living has to do with everything you do every single day. The idea behind this isn’t just about the environment or the hippie lifestyle. It’s not just about our consumption and renewal energy. Dig deeper.
Conscious living is about making conscious decisions, not just taking conventional wisdom at face value.
matt valentine
It’s time to WAKE UP!
You have to see reality as it is, with clarity. Take the time to educate yourself to become conscious of the world around you. Go beyond what you see.
In order to live a more conscious life, you need to eliminate, reduce, and avoid the things which don’t serve you. Instead, add and promote the things that actually do.
In terms of material things, whether or not you have money becomes irrelevant. Be mindful to not clutter your life with needless or useless things. Ask yourself:
- Do I really need this?
- Will this positively or negatively affect me and (or) others around me?
It’s not because EVERYONE is doing it that you actually have to follow or that it’s necessary good. Make better and more educated choices for YOUR well-being and the world around you.
By living a more conscious lifestyle you’ll be happier, healthier, more focused, have more energy, and be at peace with yourself. It’s about being that annoying kid that is always asking WHY after you answered the question already. But remember this: real change is a marathon, not a sprint. (Matt Valentine)
Responsible parenting
To be a responsible parent is to guide, encourage and help your child transition into a responsible and independant adult. This can be achieved my meeting its basic physical, emotional and educational needs.
However, often as a parent, we want to overcompensate our parent’s shortcomings with our own children. You see that often in low-income families. Despite the lack of cash, those same families are the ones filling up their carts at Toys R Us or Walmart. It’s a misconception that buying unlimited quantities of toys and clothes for our children will help fill up the void that we have within us.
When you look back at your childhood, what’s your first memory that comes to mind? I’m 99% sure that it wasn’t when you got your first barbie doll, a Nintendo or Xbox, or the Nike shoes you got when you were 1 year old. No. Instead, it’s probably a memory of an event that occurred, a feeling, an activity, a taste, a smell.
Responsible parenting is about ultimately having control over how to run your household and children how you see fit. Not necessarily how society or the latest parenting craze dictates it. That’s why conscious living and being a responsible parent go hand in hand. It’s about making memories and togetherness based on your own choices. Can you save money in the process? ABSOLUTELY!
Ressources and Inspiration
This blog is about Responsible Parenting & Conscious Living. We know, it’s a mouthful. It sounds so serious. And even maybe pretentious. You don’t know us yet, but be open-minded. Trust us when we say that this will be the only time where it’ll seem that way.
I, Carlota, don’t take myself seriously. That would require too much out of me. I will not trade that up for more important things. It sounds cliché but it’s true. I try to make the most of my life with and without my kids by living it to its fullest.
So, if you’re looking for:
- travel or parenting tips;
- travel inspiration;
- home DIY tutorials;
- eco-friendly and (or) zero waste ideas;
- family activity ideas in Montreal or France; or
- just a good laugh, you’ve come to the right place.
These are areas that speak to our hearts. That is what we like to do and discover. However, it’s only a small piece of what conscious living is about. But a great place to get you started.
Moreover, some products might be mentioned once in a while in an article. They mainly come from our SHOP and Amazon. The products are ones we’ve used and recommend. If mentioned, it’s because they actually have a purpose and are relatable to the article in point. The amazon products are with an affiliate program. So any purchase you make on Amazon by using our links gives us a small commission. It doesn’t affect you in any way.
Social media
If you’d like to take part in our journey, check out our Instagram feed way down below. This will give you a behind-the-scenes look into our daily and “exciting” lives. Also, since we are constantly doing something or learning something new this might inspire you to do the same. Join our like-minded community today!
No Instagram? Not a problem. We also have a tiny Pinterest account. It’s all set up for YOU to explore and find great travel tips and ideas, DIY recipes, and activities to do with kids or dogs.
The origins of Carlota’s Web
Before starting the blog for real in 2019, Carlota spent 6 years working as an Interior Designer, and over 10 years as a legal assistant while raising two kids almost on her own from Philadelphia to Paris and presently in Montreal. She’s been an ex-pat all her life.
Although not professionally trained as an educational parenting expert, nor a fixer-upper, nor a traveling guru, nor a DIY Queen, Carlota’s Web has over 20 years of experience living a life off the beaten path by being resourceful no matter what life threw at her. Through experience, she has found creative ways to make do with what she had yet not miss out on important things. It’s all about the choices you make in life that will allow you to live the life you truly want.
I’m a mom just like you, always on the go. A mother who doesn’t do vacations but travels instead. If you want to learn more about my personal life story, you can read the ABOUT PAGE.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter today. Keep yourself up to speed with what’s going on with Carlota’s Web. Be the first to know about our latest content and much more. It’s all about living consciously, being responsible, and staying true to yourself!