Cleaning your kitchen with eco-friendly products is a great way to lower your impact on the environment and keep it clean without using a lot of chemicals. Instead of using harsh cleaners like bleach and Windex, you can clean your kitchen using simple eco-friendly products like white vinegar and baking soda. This helps keep your kitchen in great shape without harming the environment or your health.
I am no Monica Geller but my husband could very well be. He is very keen on what we use to clean. While he could care less about using eco-friendly products, I am always looking for ways to make our house cleaner.
Making your own eco-friendly products is a great way to save money, generates less trash and is safer for you and the environment. You can use anything you have on hand to make a cleaning mixture
However, since they are natural cleaners, they are best when made fresh and used right away.
As a precaution and reminder: not all cleaners are suitable for every surface or purpose. Just like when you dye your hair for the first time, test the product on a small surface first.
Here is a guide to make your kitchen sparkle in the most natural way possible.
Eco-friendly products to clean your kitchen
When it comes to cleaning, I always try to use eco-friendly products instead of conventional ones. This not only helps the environment but also saves a lot of money.
When I run out of store-bought products, I make my own.
Here are some of the most eco-friendly products that I always have at home.
White vinegar
White vinegar is an eco-friendly cleaner that can be used to clean just about anything. It is effective at removing stains, cleaning glass and stainless steel, and removing odours. It is also safe for most surfaces, so it can be used in any part of the kitchen. White vinegar is available in grocery stores and is inexpensive.
I keep a bottle of white vinegar in the kitchen so that I can clean when I need to and in the laundry room. White vinegar can be used as a fabric softener.
White vinegar is a miracle ingredient and a natural disinfectant.
In case you are wondering.
White vinegar is made of water and acetic acid. The acid part of the vinegar is what dissolves stains and is a result of a fermentation process.
Tons of little microorganisms eat and process alcohol (ethanol), dispensing the tart, pungent liquid we know as vinegar. Microorganisms get drunk, and we get vinegar.
Bon Appetit
Baking soda
Baking soda is another kitchen staple. It is effective at removing stains, cleaning glass and stainless steel, and removing odours. It is also safe for most surfaces, so it can be used in any part of the kitchen. Baking soda is available in grocery stores and is inexpensive. You can find it in the baking aisle of any grocery store.
Baking soda comes from soda ash obtained either through the Solvay process or from trona ore, a hard, crystalline material.
Made how
Olive oil
Olive oil is not just for cooking. It can also be used to clean just about anything in your kitchen, including cutting boards. Olive oil is a great natural cleaner and works well as a substitute for conventional oven and stovetop cleaners. It can also be used as an alternative to conventional oven cleaner.
Lemons are a great addition to your kitchen. Although many people know lemon oil can help get rid of oven and stovetop odours, few are aware of its other benefits. A small lemon can remove grease, oil, and other stains from a range of surfaces, including metal, glass, and plastic. And it can get rid of burnt-on food and grease like nothing else. So, be sure to squeeze a lemon or two into your next dish.

When purchasing lemons, always make sure you are purchasing REAL lemons, you want to make sure they are organic and the juice is not watered down. Citrus fruits are very perishable and should be used within a few days of purchase. That’s why you should buy lemons on a basic need basis.
Essential oils
Essential oils can also be used to clean. I mostly use lavender and tea tree oil but you can use others throughout your house.
Now that you know which products you should always have in your kitchen, how about some tips on how to clean with them.
All-purpose cleaner
There is nothing more practical than an all-purpose cleaner.
Here is a recipe from
Mix the following ingredients together in a spray bottle:
- half a cup of white vinegar
- quarter cup of baking soda
- 4-8 cups of hot water
- few drops of lavender for a fresh scent or something similar.
Another all-purpose cleaner recipe you can try comes from Good Housekeeping.
Combine one part of white vinegar with one part of water. Add some lemon rinds and rosemary sprigs. Add to spray bottle and shake well. Let it infuse for a week before using.
Warning: do not use on granite or stone countertops.
Kitchen sanitizer
To get rid of germs and bacteria, heat half a cup of white vinegar and spray it on your kitchen surface. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it dry.
Another way to sanitize your kitchen is to use leftover club soda.
Mix the following ingredients together in a spray bottle and use within 24 hours:
- 1 cup of white vinegar
- 1 coup of club soda
- 2 drops of tea tree oil
Spray, let set, wipe clean.
Baking soda cleaner and deodorizer
As mentioned earlier, baking soda absorbs odours. You can pour some in a small bowl and place it the fridge.
It can also be used to clean out the drain of your kitchen sink. Pour some in the drain to remove odor add some boiled white vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes and then run water down the drain.
As a cleaner, mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 quart of warm water. Apply it to the surface to be cleaned with a damp cloth. Then, rub, rinse and buff dry.
Oven cleaning
I found the following oven cleaning recipe from Green Eco-friend.
- Half a cup of baking soda
- 3 tablespoons of water
- White vinegar
Mix all the ingredient together in a bowl in order to make a paste. You can adjust as need be to make it spreadable.
First, you’ll need to remove the shelves from the oven. Then, spread the paste all over the inside avoiding the heating elements. Let it sit overnight. Remove the paste with a damp cloth. Then, spray the inside with white vinegar and wipe with clean damp cloth.
Easy alternative
Set a dish with lemons inside the oven. Turn the oven on for a few minutes. The steam will loosen the stains. Then, turn the oven off. Dip a clean cloth into the lemon juice and wipe down the oven.
Eco-friendly dishwashing
I’ll be honest, when I first started working on my eco-friendly cleaning habits, I was a bit skeptical. I mean, I’ve been using the same dish soap for years and didn’t think there was anything I could or should change. I was completely wrong. There are simple ways to improve your dishwashing habits which you can read HERE.

You can also use Castille soap in place of dish soap. To make it liquid you’ll have to dissolve some of the paste in distilled water. Mix one part soap with 2 or 3 parts of water. Heat it in a double boiler and let it sit overnight.
To make your own Castile soap, I found a recipe by Naturally Handcrafted.
You’ll need the following ingredients:
- Olive oil
- Milk
- Lye
- Distilled water
- Potassium hydroxide
- Glycerin
Now that we’ve got the kitchen covered, which room will you be cleaning next? How about the bathroom?