Let’s start with a confession. I’m obsessed with buying books and reading them, duh, especially ones that end up inspiring me. Going to a book store like Indigo (Canada), Barnes & Noble (USA), FNAC (France) is like going to a candy store for me. I could spend hours there. Unfortunately, when I do, it’s usually during my lunch break. So, I have to make the most of it.
Word of advice. Just like in a supermarket, you should never go grocery shopping on an empty belly, because you’ll end up spending more money. The same goes for a bookstore.
It’s easy to get swayed away by all the colourful book jackets designed and displayed in a way to grab your attention. Instead, you should have a general idea of what you are looking for before heading down to the bookstore. Don’t go in there blindly. To be honest, I should listen to my own advice because I always end up buying more books than I had set out for.

Of course, I also love to stumble into small independent ones that are off the beaten path like the one in San Francisco. I mean, I get a sugar rush in those places.
Finally, often during my travels, I buy books from museum bookstores that tell a story in relation to what I visited. Such was the case in Hawaii, Vietnam, and France.
So this brings me to the subject of this article, self-care inspiring books to read.
What does self-care even mean?
When we talk about self-care, the first thing that comes to mind is what exactly?
People tend to think that self-care is about eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, but what about taking care of the mind?
October is the time of year where we generally see our energy levels and our mood go down with the change of seasons. It’s like our body and mind is preparing itself for hibernation mode. If you live in Canada, I’m sure that you know what I’m talking about.
More so than ever, this year will probably be worse. I mean, as if Spring wasn’t hard enough with Covid-19 and the quarantine. Now Fall is upon us along with a potential new quarantine.
The worse part is that we can’t even escape our own reality by preparing trips abroad because the borders are closed! And even if we just wanted to staycation in our own Province, the places will most likely be booked or simply closed.
Arghhhh, are you feeling as frustrated about this as I am?
Our mind will play a big part into how we deal with self-care. If you don’t take care of it, everything else will just go to s@#t!
So what can we do?
If you hadn’t done so during the first wave, maybe doing a little self-care during the second wave will help you get over the Autumnal blues. Sure, you can exercise and meditate and make immune booster smoothies but is that enough?
I don’t do any of what I just mentioned because I lack motivation. Now, I’m not sitting on my couch and playing Mario Party, every time I’m off work either (only sometimes). Instead, I’m writing articles for my blog, taking online courses, ‘working’ social media, taking pictures, editing them, doing research, creating podcasts, looking for new products that would be beneficial to my store. Whoa, that was a mouth full.

Ok, I tend to be a workaholic but all these projects are what gets me up in the morning, aside from my alarm and my dogs pulling the blanket away from me because they need to go weewee.
Keeping your mind busy with projects and dreams will help you get through the autumnal blues, believe me, it works. But has it always been that way for me? No mam.
My inspiration
Three years ago, right when I turned 41, I fell into a deep depression. I mean, I get seasonal depression like many of us, but in this case, Summer wasn’t even over and I found myself curled up on the bathroom floor, crying an ocean, for no apparent reason. This lasted for weeks.
I don’t know how I managed to keep on working at the time, probably my survivalist instincts kicked in, while my mind was trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Long story short, I walked into Indigo and this ray of sunshine caught my eye. It wasn’t actual sunlight, but the brightness of the jacket cover of this book.
The jacket and the title spoke to me and I picked it up right away. This book changed my life for ever. I know it sounds cheezy, but it’s true and I don’t have stocks in it.
You are a Badass, by Jen Sincero
You might not even know that you are looking for change in your life, but if you are feeling down, trust me, this is THE pick me up book.
If you are looking for inspiring books for some self-care, this is the one to read and start off with.
This book got me through and out of my depression.
Now, there are sequels to this book but I only read the second one.
You are a Badass at making money, by Jen Sincero
If reading the inspiring first of three books of the Badass collection has put your gears in motion, then you’ll want to read the sequel.
You are a badass at making money is the perfect book during these Covid-19 times, if you’ve come to realize that working from home isn’t so bad and can be fun. This book will inspire you to take your thought process to the next level and send you on the path of entrepreneurs or independent workers, or which ever path you’d like.

This book allowed me to find ways of paying off some debt and getting renovation projects started and completed.
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
If you are looking for ways to bring your entrepreneur mojo up to the next level, you will find this book absolutely revolutionary.
Sometimes, it’s all in the title, but in this case, it’s not just about making money as that is the first thing that comes to mind when we see the word rich. Am I right?
It’s much more than that. To prove it, once I finished reading it last year I mentioned it to my 19-year-old son. Then, he too started reading it. This book has had a positive impact on his life and he has now found a new passion, music. He has no training in music but has been creating what he calls lo-fi music. I have yet to understand what it is. I call it elevator music, but hey, lots of people tend to actually like it.
You can be a judge of it by listening to his tunes HERE.
Personal experience
On a personal note, the philosophy of this book actually helped me when were honeymooning in Colombia. To be a little more specific, my husband and I almost got stranded in the jungle of Tayrona Park. What we thought was going to be an easy hike, ended up not being one.
The last stretch of our hike was all uphill (we had already walked over 3 hours ). We ran out of water, and it was almost nightfall. What got me through this situation and kept me going was a story I had read in Think and Grow Rich.
When we came home, I told my boys about this story and the book and it’s something that I refer to with them every time a situation arises where one of us wants to give up. Of all the inspiring books out there, this one really swings it out of the ballpark.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, by Mark Manson
I bought this book but have yet to read it because my 19-year-old son got a hold of it.
This is a pick me up book if you are at a time of your life where you are really feeling insecure, and care way too much about what other people think and are frustrated with just about everything.
‘When we give too many fucks, we feel like we are perpetually entitled to feel comfortable and happy at all times and that’s when life fucks us!’
Give a few less ‘fucks’ and find life a whole lot easier. We are born giving away too many fucks. Reducing the amount of giving a fuck moments is the essence of strength and integrity, according to Mark Manson.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo
You’ve probably heard about the Kondo movement through Netflix, or not.
In any case, the book is way better. It’s not only about physically tidying up, organizing our homes, the proper way of folding clothes which are all helpful, but the philosophy behind it can also be applied to our daily lives and how we manage and organize our time and thoughts.

This is a great book to read by the beach. I know it sounds odd, but I brought it along with me when I went to Vietnam. It went well with my cocktail and the sounds of the waves. Even my mom picked it up and found it inspiring. I know, there seems to be a recurring theme with my books being kidnapped by members of my family!
My Year with Eleanor, by Noelle Hancock
Actually, before I started my new journey in life thanks to Jen Sincero, I had read this book.
When I traveled to Peru with my boys, my brother, and his family, I stumbled upon a quote of Eleanor Roosevelt which I actually mention in my About Page.
I had never really heard about Mrs. Roosevelt, even if I know who Mr. Roosevelt was, or should I say President?
Turns out, she was an incredible woman. It wasn’t always the case but she evolved into one. She accomplished quite a few things for women during her time and her quotes are her best legacy.
My Year with Eleanor is a true story about Noelle Hancock. It’s not about Eleanor, but Mrs. Roosevelt did inspire Noelle on her life journey which afterward inspired me to make my Turning 40 Doing 40 list. I haven’t accomplished everything on that list and you know what? It’s ok. I will eventually. Seriously, it’s my list.

This book was a revelation to me, but it wasn’t until I read You are a Badass, that it all made sense.
Everything is figureoutable, Marie Forleo
If you’ve made your way into the entrepreneur world, this book is the next step into your journey of life inspiration and motivation.
The message is similar to the ones mentioned in the inspiring books listed above, but you know the brain is a muscle, right? The more you use it, the more it will retain a memory.
Marie Forleo is an inspiring woman, who is a multi-passionate Entrepreneur. It’s ok to not only check one box, that’s what makes you unique.

Everything is Figureoutable should definitely be on your new inspiring books reading list for this Fall.
The Gift, by Edith Eger
On my last book spree at Indigo, I got myself this book as Marie Forleo recommended it. It’s written by a holocaust survivor, Mrs. Eger and according to the likes of Oprah, Bill Gates, and Desmond Tutu, it will change your life!

I can’t wait to read it!
I hope that you will find these books inspiring and add them to your reading list for this upcoming Fall and Winter season or as I like to call them, the Depression Era.
Stay safe, stay inspired, stay connected and don’t give up!
[…] If you are searching for books to take your life to the next level, read my list of inspiring books read. […]