Zero-Waste Deodorant

$ 18

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Keep the smell and sweat away with a zero-waste deodorant.

Detoxing: When switching away from aluminum-based deodorants, you might experience a detox effect for a few days to a couple of weeks.

What we mean by detoxing is: you may be more stinky and sweaty at first while your body is ridding itself of the buildup that has accumulated with antiperspirant use. Antiperspirants block the pores so sweat (and toxins) can’t get out. Your body needs to sweat to remove waste.

Re-apply as needed: You may want to reapply during the first few weeks until the detoxing is finished. To reapply, first, wipe the area dry, then just use one or two light swipes to refresh your protection. After the detox period, the deodorant should last all day without a need to reapply. Please note that this is a solid deodorant, which helps keep your underarms smelling fresh rather than stop sweat, it is not an antiperspirant, this bar will not block your sweat glands.

Store in an airtight container otherwise it will get dry and hard to apply over time. This is especially a factor in dry climates.

If you shave or wax, or have very sensitive skin: As with any deodorant, we do not recommend applying directly after shaving or hair removal.  We recommend using an extra layer of cream or moisturizer (a small bit of shea butter works great) first if the skin is particularly sensitive and prone to rashes or irritation.


Bamboo for the absorption of sweat and sebum – absorbs 200% it’s own weight in sweat and oil.

Magnesium hydroxide is the wonder ingredient for keeping the stench away. It prevents the growth and proliferation of bacteria (whose excretions cause the BO smell) by altering the pH of your skin (not enough to cause irritation though).

Zinc Oxide is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Jojoba & sweet almond both aid in the lovely soft application, as well as soft underarms.

Shipping: 2 to 3 weeks, non-refundable unless sent the wrong item.

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Lavender & Vanilla, Lime & Eucalyptus, No scent


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