Anne-Charlotte (Carlota), mom of two kids and of 2 fur friends with the soul of an adventurer.
Interior Designer by trade, I did my thesis on an eco-friend nightclub (yes for real). This was way before the environment had become a trend. I now share what I’ve learned about being a ‘responsible’ mom without taking myself too seriously. Once a single-mom, I completely understand the difficulties moms experience whether on a financial level or just as a parent. Even as a couple, parenting can be difficult, so on your own it can quickly become a nightmare.
I inspire other moms every day to go the off beaten path through discoveries of activities, useful products for kids and even traveling on the blog.
I try to avoid talking about trends as I’d much rather focus on durability. Creating memories with kids through traveling and activities is my motto. Doing it in an eco-friendly way and on the cheap is even better!