In my article on Mental Health, I suggest taking a walk. It’s not only good for you, but it’s also good for your baby’s well-being.
During your maternity leave (whether it’s three months or a year), you can pace your days as you wish. However, it’s important to establish a routine as soon as possible. You’ll find that your days with the baby will go faster and be much more enjoyable.
Here’s how I established my routines with Junior and then Blondie Bear. The only difference is that I had to integrate having to drop off and pick up Junior from school 4 times in the same day while taking care of Blondie Bear.
Morning Routine
In the morning, after your baby’s first meal, you can wash and massage him if needed, they love that. Then, dress him.
Then it’s time to relax. You can play with him, put the baby on his belly for a few minutes to strengthen his neck muscles.
After that, take him outside before lunch. Of course, in the beginning, the meals are about every 2 or 3 hours, but this is just to give you an idea.

During the morning walk, I would use this opportunity to take my dogs out at the same time in the fields, in a park, or in the forest. Everybody was a winner.
Afternoon Routine
In the afternoon, after the nap, you can go out or play, read, sing, whatever you want.
Don’t leave your baby in front of the TV when he is little, just take advantage of being off work to be with him.
According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, a child under the age of two should not be exposed to television or any other screen because it can have different impacts on his or her development and health.
Of course, to this planning worthy of a Minister, you must add all the little things of daily life like changing diapers, bottles/breastfeeding, cleaning, the FAMOUS SHOWER (see the article on Mental Health).
During the day, if you can, make him take a nap with the curtains open, or in his bassinet in the living room.
Make some noise, vacuum if necessary, but don’t overdo it by having a PARTY. He needs to get used to noises and to differentiate between day and night. It will help for your nights (see the article on The Nights).
The Playground
When your baby is a little older, around 6 months, you can start going to the playground.
In Montreal, they’re full of dads, it’s fabulous! Why not in France, too many machos? Us moms aren’t always in the mood to go to the playground, but the child needs to get out and have fun.
The park is a great place for that. Especially since it helps with socialization, and if your child hasn’t started daycare yet.
Free activities for babies
In Montreal, there are many free activities for children up to the age of 12! Take advantage of them!
In the libraries, there are storytelling hours, and you can borrow books, learn nursery rhymes (you need to update your repertoire).
Otherwise, there are paid activities, but they aren’t too expensive, in neighborhood centers where you can do aquafitness or yoga with your baby.
Swimming Pool
I did aquafitness with Blondie Bear at the YMCA, but he was already 13 months old. It was really fun and it got him used to the water.
Otherwise, there is free pool time during the day in some centers.
The swimming pool is a nice activity to do with the baby, but from 6 months of age (all vaccinations are required).

One of the first things to do in the pool or lake, as you want, is to put his head underwater for 1 second.
You take your baby, dip him in the water and there you go. He may cry because it will surprise him, but when you pull him out of the water and see you with a smile and encouraging words, he will be reassured (normally).
It isn’t necessary to use disposable diapers for water. There are reusable ones like these ones.
For at least the first two weeks for your outings, if possible, avoid places like shopping malls, large family gatherings.
You need to recover from childbirth, especially if you have had a c-section.
Places with a lot of people are bad for the baby because the baby does not have all his or her vaccinations.
It’s best that little cousins don’t touch him at first and that adults wash their hands before taking and/or touching him. It is clear that he will get sick, but there are ways to avoid certain germs.
Finally, you can always incorporate a little dance with your children from time to time, fun guaranteed!
Does the idea of going out with your baby make you anxious? I tell you about my experience HERE.
[…] Establishing a routine for your baby’s nights is just as important as establishing a routine for the days. […]