Our getaway travel to New York City for Big Boss and I began by car.
We journeyed from Montreal one Wednesday afternoon for the Big Apple with crappy weather. Our first winter storm of the season in Montreal had just hit us. We returned on a Sunday to the same greyish crappy weather with more snow. The roads hadn’t been cleared up from the previous snowfall and it had already been 4 days!

However, between our departure and our return, we were in New York City. We were there to ring in the New Year, with our home base in BROOKLYN.
The song from the Beasty Boys “No Sleep till Brooklyn” was renamed by Big Boss “No sleep in Brooklyn“. We ended up not sleeping much and that wasn’t even due to too much partying! So just be prepared. When you travel to New York City, you won’t get much sleep in the city that never sleeps.
New York City, just like much of the rest of the United States is an expensive place to travel to, especially when you are on a budget. Fear not, however, as this blog article might just be what you are looking for if you need budget travel tips to New York City. We’ll share with you our itinerary and how we managed to keep our cost as low as possible while still enjoying our little 4-day getaway.
First stop: Brooklyn
After a good 9-hour drive, we arrived at our destination: Brooklyn in New York City.
One hour and 10 minutes of that was spent at the American border while it only took us 15 minutes to cross the border on our way home. Go figure!
We went to grab a bite to eat at a local joint recommended by our B&B, Burger Mexicano. Unfortunately, it is now closed. We didn’t want to look for another place as it was already late. Honestly, we weren’t going to be too picky about our first meal there.
This is what’s great about New York, everything is open late. There is something for everyone’s schedule and taste. You can go and have a late-night manicure or get your braids done in a salon at 10pm, any day of the week, even on holidays. We can’t say that Americans are lazy, at least not in Brooklyn, not in that hood.
Where we slept
I found a Bed and Breakfast “Lefferts Manor” in the borough of Brooklyn. New York City has 5 of them. Manhattan is the most popular one as that’s where everyone goes. However, lodging there can get pretty EXPENSIVE. Then, comes Brooklyn. Even Miranda from Sex & the city called this borough home. It has a laid-back feel giving out a home away from home vibe.
Lodging is a tad bit cheaper in Brooklyn. It’s not Manhattan and you’ll be far from all the points of interest but don’t brush off Brooklyn just yet. It does have hipster bars, lofts, shops, and of course restaurants.
Since we were driving to New York City from Montreal, we felt that it would be easier for us to stay in Brooklyn. We didn’t want to have to pay for a spot in a parking garage for the whole length of our stay. That adds up quickly. Instead, we crossed the Brooklyn Bridge into Brooklyn where it is easier to park on the side streets and FREE. However, just be aware of the cleanup days of the streets as you can’t park on certain sides of the street.
The neighborhood where we stayed was really nice but the main avenue nearby not so much. What a contrast between this main artery and the side residential streets.

When booking our B&B it looked cute, old, and romantic … In reality, it was, and clean, but the plumbing karaoked ALL NIGHT LONG. It was dreadful, not to mention the toilet on our floor which kept clogging up… Nonetheless, I was able to sleep a good 5 hours each night but Big Boss wasn’t so lucky.
Moreover, breakfast was not included in the price. So we had to pay an extra $15 per person. It isn’t a real Bed and Breakfast if the breakfast isn’t included! Right?
Getting around New York City
Avoid at all cost-driving around Manhattan when you travel to New York City. You’ll end up getting stuck in massive traffic jams. Then, you’ll waste time trying to park on a street or paying an atrocious amount to park in a Parking Garage.

Your best way to get around Manhattan is on foot or by riding the subway. If you have to, hail a yellow cab, good luck! Of course, the bus exists, but I have never been on one.
Moreover, the red double-decker tour bus does exist, even in New York City. Back in 2009, I believe it was around $60 per person for a 24h hop-on hop-off pass. I personally find that to be expensive. However, if you are in New York City just for the day, it could be a viable option. At least you’d cover all the major sites.
Riding the subway of New York City
Even though we love to walk, we had no choice to ride the New York City subway during our New Year’s Eve travel.
Driving our own car into Manhattan every day was not a viable option. The only easy way onto the island of Manhattan was with the subway.
Luckily at our B&B in Brooklyn, there were some useful tips on the metro. For example, lines Q & B both go through the Prospect Park stop. The B line stops at 9pm and the Q line works 24-7 (awesome).

did buy a 7 day MetroCard with unlimited access for $32/person. One ride costs $2,50. We thought that in the long run, we would benefit from it which we did.
- Tip 1: Grab a map of the New York City subway.
Ours was provided free of charge at our B&B. You will be needing it to navigate through the intricate New York subway signals and corridors.
I have to admit that having the subway map sort of helped us navigate better.
- Tip 2: Pay attention.
Listen to the announcements. Read the signs on the front of the subway train or panels. The same train line might be heading in two different directions.
As a foreigner without English knowledge, this must be a nightmare. That is probably why you don’t see too many tourists riding the subway then. People say and think the Paris subway is complicated, the New York City one beats it.
- Tip 3: Group your visits by area
This tip is good for any major city traveling. In order to save money on public transit, focus each day on a different area of the city which you are visiting. This way, at the most, it will cost you a round trip ticket per person each day.
However, while we were in New York City and to make our life a bit easier, we bought a 7 day MetroCard with unlimited access. The cost at the time was $32/person. In comparison, a one-way ride costs $2,50. We thought that in the long run, we would benefit from it, which we did.
DAY 1 : Central Park, Times-Square & Greenwich Village
We started our first day by heading into Manhattan with a subway ride. Miraculously, we did not get lost.
We are extremely lucky to not only speak, read, and understand English but also have a great hearing as it is so COMPLICATED to navigate!

My past New York experiences hadn’t forced me to explore too much of the NYC subway. The few times I had used it made me squirmish at the idea of using it again.
We had decided to focus on the northern part of Manhattan where the main highlights of the city are. Since it was Big Boss’s first time in New York City, I thought it would be a good place to start.
Central Park

We took the subway from Brooklyn and started off with the Northern part of Central Park . It was my first time in this part of the park. I had always gone to the southernmost tip to the right of the park (ok East).
We walked anti-clockwise around the reservoir like Dustin Hoffman in the movie Manhattan. Apparently, not everyone had the same guidebook as us as multiple people were going about it the regular way…people…they know nothing…

As we strolled around the park, I finally got a chance to see some of the park’s bridges, just like in the movies. I saw a bride and her groupies, a couple get engaged and a LIVE wedding ceremony on a bridge just when they were exchanging vows…that was so special. I got a bit emotional seeing all these lovers in New York City on the last day of the year… Big Boss did not seem to be affected by it at all…typical male.

I forgot to mention that I walked around our first day in New York City in my PJs. Yes for real (see picture below), not that you care.
I needed to be comfortable and I had forgotten to bring clothing for that. I know it sounds like a real girl problem but honestly, this is a rare time that I actually tried to coordinate a decent wardrobe during my travels.
In New York City, you are going to walk A LOT if you are sightseeing. Wear comfortable shoes, bring a small backpack and warm clothes if it’s not summertime. Forget about making a fashion statement, unless you are comfortable or just bring a change of clothes. That’s what many people do.

We tried to spot the Imagine sign in Central Park to honor John Lennon who was murdered in that area. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find it. That’s ok, there is always next time.
Times Square
After 2 hours of walking in the cold through Central Park, we stopped by St-Patrick’s Church, the Rockefeller Center, and Times Square. STOP STOP STOP. People are insane!

Times Square was completely packed. We didn’t even attempt to go through it as the access was blocked by checkpoints Charlie on every corner.
I just wanted to show the place to Big Boss and eat. So all we saw was the northern part of Times Square through the upper floor windows of a brasserie. Meal with a view. Not bad.
Unfortunately, I don’t even remember the name of the place where we ate, nor what we ate. It was very touristy and I probably just got a soup just to warm up and keep our meal cost down. Don’t eat in or near Times Square if you are on a budget.
Now, if you must, you might as well grab lunch at Ellens Stardust Diner. At least, you’ll get your money’s worth because your food comes with entertainment.
The Diner is a retro 1950s theme restaurant located at 1650 Broadway on the southeast corner of 51st Street.
The diner is regarded as one of the best theme restaurants in New York owing to its singing waitstaff.

New Year’s Eve on Times Square
Please explain to me why you would want to wear adult diapers for 12 hours straight just to see a small ball drop for the New Year’s Eve countdown? Don’t you see that it is ridiculous? That being said, if you gave me free VIP access, guarantee me a spot at 10pm, I’ll agree to hang out for 2 hours in the cold. But the absurdity of the whole thing ends there.
By the way, we came across a lot of police officers who were extremely friendly. What a contrast with the border-control immigration officers we encountered on our way to New York City.

Greenwich Village
We continued on our stroll towards Washington Square. This is where you can see the famous Arch of Triumph which you see in the movie When Harry Met Sally.
Ever heard of it? No? OMG, am I really that old? or are my movie references that bad…Big Boss has never watched it. It is such a classic though, don’t you think?

While making our way towards the Arch we realized that all the city noise had died down. It was calm, less crowded, and no more honking sounds. Obviously, that’s because the 1 million crazies had finally made their way to Times Square.
So we peacefully walked by the Empire State Building (King Kong wasn’t there) and the Flat Iron Building (the first skyscraper to be built in NYC).

After a 6-hour walk in the cold, we went back to our B&B to relax and unwind a bit before heading back out for some New Year’s Eve celebration.
New Year’s Eve in New York City
We had bought tickets for a rooftop party in Brooklyn at the Kimoto Rooftop Beer Garden. It was a choice to spend the evening in Brooklyn to make things less complicated. Therefore, when we realized that we could even get there by subway (sweet), we wouldn’t have to waste money on a cab.
As the USA is so expensive, especially if you come from Canada, anything to save a buck or two was fine by us. So no cab fare to spend and a 24h/7 subway. FANTASTIC.
Anyways, we had a good time. The unobstructed view of the Manhattan skyline at midnight with the firework extravaganza from the 25th-floor terrace was an explosive experience.
The music was good, the wine was ok, not complaining. It was relatively an inexpensive New Year’s Eve as the cost for both of us was $114CAD. Included in the price: free entry, open bar for 3 hours (we made great use of that), and a glass of champagne at midnight.

That being said, we had to give up our table around 11pm. Apparently, they were all VIP tables and reserved to Snow White and Flash look-alikes. Don’t ask. So we had to stand and let ourselves get pushed around. Luckily a couple took pity on us (they hadn’t gotten kicked out from their table yet) and invited us over.
Moreover, the service was slow and the place was crowded. We quickly learned that since it took a good half hour to get our free drink, we had to order 4 at a time instead of 2. Our champagne toast didn’t come out until 12:30 am.
Nonetheless, it was still a better option than wearing an adult diaper for 12-hours in Times Square.
It was Kimoto’s first year doing that so hopefully, it has gotten better since then. If you are in the hood, you should check it out, at least for the view and the vibe.
DAY 2: Chinatown – Wall Street
After a wonderful night spent listening to the singing of the radiators, old pipes, and clogged toilets, we left our B&B to eat some Dim Sum in Chinatown.
While researching things to do in NYC, I stumbled upon an article Best Brunch Places New Year’s Day, and the name Nom Wah Tea Parlor was on the list. Clearly sticking out from the list of the city’s trendy restaurants and bistros with affordable prices.

It was an excellent choice. As Big Boss‘s first time trying out some Dim Sum, he ‘liked’ it. Mission accomplished!
It is while there that I realized that the alley and the Nom Wah Tea Parlor had been used as part of the last scenes of the movie Premium Rush with Joseph-Gordon Levitt. In fact, I had just watched it two days prior to leaving on this trip. This movie doesn’t ring a bell either?
With delicious food in our bellies, we were ready to start our second day of exploring. This time, the southern part of New York City.
Brooklyn Bridge

Starting the very first day of the New Year with some dim sum was just perfect. We were in the heart of Chinatown, not far from the Brooklyn Bridge. This bridge, I had never gotten around to seeing it up close for some reason so that was new to me.
Unfortunately, it felt like everyone who was at Times Square the day before had decided to do the same thing as us. Luckily we found a hidden passageway underneath the bridge leading to a staircase bringing you onto the bridge. So we were able to bypass some of the crowd that way. This saved us a good 20 minutes!

The Brooklyn Bridge is the first suspended bridge built in North America, which I got to study in History of Art back in College.
It is absolutely worth a look and you get a wonderful view of Manhattan from it. The access is FREE! We did, however, have to buy ourselves some hats. It was so cold on the bridge as the wind was strong. We were completely frozen and knew that the hats would come in handy for the next activity on our list.
Staten Island Ferry
We made the most of our subway pass as we hopped on the subway to go to Battery Parc. Not that we were in a rush, but we were so cold and still had a few things to see before the end of the day. So this allowed us to save a bit of time.

So our next stop was the Staten Island Ferry. The ferry is FREE and goes back and forth daily between Lower Manhattan and Staten Island.
About 60 000 passengers use this transportation system each day. For budget-minded travelers or those who don’t want to waste a half-day, this is a great way to see the Lower Manhattan skyline including the new World Trade, the Brooklyn Bridge, and also the famous lady the Statue of Liberty.
The ferry takes about 25 minutes to cross. If you don’t want to wait for the return ferry when you arrive, I strongly suggest that you post yourself 5 minutes prior to your arrival at the entrance of the boat. Then, dash out to make the return ferry, or just wait 30 minutes for the next one. We opted for the dash part and saved 30 minutes in our day. It’s crazy how many extra minutes we gained in our schedule that day!

If you want to make it even more special, take the ferry for the sunset! I hadn’t checked at the time but maybe you can take it around midnight on New Year’s Eve. That would make for an awesome prime location to watch the fireworks.
Wall Street
We finished off our day walking around the new World Trade Center. Beautiful…and sad.

Oh I forgot, the famous Bull of Wall Street….extremely popular stop. You now have to wait in line to take a picture of yourself while touching its balls. So no picture, not enough time.
After resting and warming up a bit, we set out to go out to eat.
In terms of the nightlife for New Year’s Day, there were some places open in our hood and some closed. It was like playing the lottery, unsure of what we were going to get.
We wanted to try out the best pizza in town, Grimmaldi’s Pizzeria in the arear referred to as DUMBO in Brooklyn. That way, we could Manhattan from afar. We saw nothing. There was a crazy line for Grimmaldi’s Pizzeria and at Juliana’s, its rival. No way were we going to stand in line for a slice of pizza!

So we left with our insides crying FEED ME! However, thanks to our Guide du Routard, I found the address of a restaurant in a neighborhood near ours.
We went and tested our luck in the trattoria Al Di Là with a real Italian waiter, accent and all. Si si senor! It was delicioso. The best meal of our trip.
The neighborhood is called Park Slope and even by night, it looked really cool. If we were to go there again with the kids we would definitely stay in that area. There are lots of restaurants and nice shops. The brownstones are incredibly well taken care of. It’s pure delight walking around that area.
DAY 3: Soho – Meatpacking District
The final day of our little getaway travel to New York City. My feet, my knees, and my legs were killing me by then and I was still freezing. Luckily, I had brought the new winter jacket Big Boss had gotten me for Christmas. Despite that, we still walked all day. A city is meant to be visited on foot and not in stores.
We strolled around Soho and admired the cast-iron buildings including The Queen of Greene Street Building and The King of Greene Street Building.

While strolling through that area, we came across our very first Invaders. It’s a form of street art that can be found in multiple cities across the globe. We have since then seen some in Paris and Rabat (Morocco).
We explored the underskirts of Greenwich Village. This is the area where the building of Friends is located (the TV show that lasted 10 years). Ah AT LAST you know that reference!
Also, it’s located near the narrowest home in NYC that was previously owned by Drew Barrymore’s grandfather (little blond girl in E.T.). During my last trip to Paris, I actually saw a narrower home, but who’s counting right?

High Line
Big Boss and I finished the day off at the High Line, which opened in 2009 by repurposing old train tracks for people to stroll.
It’s a very pleasant walk with lots of artwork and it’s FREE. Supposedly there is free Wifi there but we did not connect.

This project was inspired by a similar one done in Paris, la Coulée Verte.
That evening we returned to DUMBO for the pizza and the view. Another failed attempt. So we had a mediocre pizza on a side street but with a gorgeous view of the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges all light up. You can’t travel to New York City and not check it out. It’s worth the detour and (you got it) it is FREE.

We finished off our evening in a bar in DUMBO called Superfine and then chilled at Midwood Flats close to our B&B. During our New York City trip, we tried out a lot of local beers that were all good. I liked the one from Long Island but I don’t recall its name, unfortunately.
We really enjoyed our little travel journey to New York City and hope to go back there someday with the kids. For sure we will be adding some museums to the list (some are actually FREE) and see a Broadway musical ($$$). To be continued…
Last tip:
If you have the time and want to make an interesting pit stop on your way to or from New York City, why not explore Lake Placid? It’s only roughly 2 hours away from Montreal and was home to the 1980 Winter Olympics.
Travel New York Now has an in-depth article on all the activities you can do there. It’s worth checking out right HERE.

[…] from the Mount Royal all the way down to the Saint-Laurent river, New York‘s High line might have found a North American rival. Although it still remains a secret, it […]
[…] the Highline in New York (2009) was inspired by this and not the other way […]
[…] from the Mount Royal all the way down to the Saint-Laurent river, New York‘s High line might have found a North American rival. Although it still remains a secret, it is […]
[…] Don’t know where to start? Read our travel confessions in New York City here. […]
[…] we have a big travel project planned for next summer so we went to New York City instead (read our Once Upon a Time in New York). Yes, what a hard […]
[…] read, it is not worth visiting. Although the trees are nicer, personally I prefer Central Park in New York City in terms of a big city […]
[…] second class. Although this wasn’t a TGV it went a lot faster than taking Amtrak from Philly to New York and you can get some pretty good deals as well. This is definitely a good alternative solution to […]
[…] his name as his most famous for being the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, inaugurated in New York City in 1886. A smaller version of it can be seen on an islet on the Seine river in Paris and also […]
[…] normalement l’été prochain alors nous sommes allés à New York City à la place (voir Il était une Fois à New York). Oui c’est dur la vie, pour […]
[…] Big Boss and I don’t pass up a chance to eating Dim Sum when we travel now. After doing so in New York and in San Francisco, it was time to try it in Honolulu’s […]
[…] San Francisco city is on foot or by using the Bart. However, we came to the same conclusion as in NYC. If you can’t read and don’t understand English well, you are kinda screwed. You really need […]