We are expecting a NEW BABY! Whoot Whoot! Let’s go shopping!
Admit it, it’s one of your first reactions. The arrival of a baby in our lives whether it be ours or someone else’s generates a euphoric reaction and pushes us to empty our wallets and overspend.
First of all, if the pregnancy wasn’t planned or you were pushing it back for financial reasons, don’t panic! I have solutions!
Even so, if the pregnancy was planned, it isn’t a reason to spend blindly, be kind to your wallet and our planet.
It’s a fact that being responsible for another human being is going to have a cost: more food, more clothing, more washes. You might have to get a bigger car. Your outings will cost more, daycare, school tuition…

Oh yes indeed, it can get stressful thinking about all of it, but all these costs don’t show up overnight.
There are ways to go about it in order to minimize the financial toll. You just need to use a little common sense and plan things out a tiny itsy bitsy bit.
As a reminder, it’s not because you have decided to only have one child that you have to spoil it with unnecessary material things and have to buy into the latest trends. Seriously, I’m not kidding. Do you think your kid will remember the remote control stroller? I think not!
Accessories- The survival kit
First and foremost, for the birth, you will need a bed, a stroller, and a car seat. Bam! There you have it.
The bed
For my two kids, I was lucky enough to be able to use the BED that had belonged at first to my brothers and myself, and then our 5 children.
I only had to make a perfect fit mattress each time (super easy). This bed will have lasted over 40 years and was useful until a child fell overboard (around 12 months). No Panic! It wasn’t very high and pillows had been strategically placed in case of a fall which had to be expected once the kiddo started standing up in the bed.
People have a tendency to spend blindly on a bed that will grow with the child. I don’t think it’s quite necessary, as it’s usually imposing as well.
Admittedly, ecologically wise, it might be a better option. However, you can always buy a used one, just make sure it is up to code.
If you are intent on buying a bed, I recently discovered the brand Babyletto. Their beds are fashionable and practical as their beds are convertible. Look for yourself HERE.
You know, one of Zazou’s sons slept in a suitcase when they were abroad. We can always make do when we have to. My two kids, passed their 12 months, slept either in a single bed or a mattress on the floor.
The single bed had belonged to Junior’s biological father. We had taken off the legs so that he wouldn’t fall off and hurt himself. By the bed, we had again placed pillows in case of a nocturnal stunt, but we didn’t have to do it for long. Kids get used to just about everything.
Blondie Bear slept on a mattress on the floor as we had just moved to Canada and for budget reasons. We still use it now for little guests.
The bassinet
On top of this, if you can have a BASSINET at home that would be swell.

Once again, I was lucky to be able to use mine for both of my boys. It’s so handy!
I could put them down anywhere in the house, have them near me while during my chores.
Often they would nap in it whether be in the sunroom (yes I had one of those at one point), the living room, or in the garden.
They would sleep with daylight, with noise…..I guess this is probably one of the reasons why my kids can sleep just about anywhere.
The stroller
As for the STROLLER, there are so many models to pick from. Generally, they come with a car seat, which is better price-wise than buying them separately.
Other than that, everyone has different tastes and budgets. We can’t all like the same things.
What you do need to keep in mind though when purchasing a stroller:
- it needs to be practical for a stroll in the forest or at the grocery store;
- easy to handle and fold;
- space underneath the seat to store your groceries and baby bag;
- the baby needs to be able to be in either a seated position or semi laying down; and
- the baby needs to be well enough protected from the sun while sitting.
In case of rain, you can buy a plastic cover to put over the stroller. A cup or bottle holder can come in handy for parents.

Be practical, use common sense, you are not buying a car but a stroller which you will use for no more than two years.
By the age of 3 or 4 tops the stroller won’t be useful anymore, your child should be capable of walking long stretches, in any case, you should strongly encourage him in doing so.
Baby carrier or baby wrap?
Sometimes, it isn’t practical to go for a stroll with a stroller. Instead, use a baby carrier. Try the baby wrap.
You can go on Youtube to see how to put it on and practice before the baby comes with a teddy bear or a doll (or someone else’s baby!).
By using the wrap, your baby will not only be in a better posture (especially the first few months if he has colics) but you can put him either in front of you or behind you until he becomes too heavy. Besides, daddy’s love this better.
By using the scarf, not only do they have a better posture but they are closer to you. If the necessity arises you can even breastfeed him in it. Also, you can use the wrap as a blanket if need be.
I breastfed Blondie Bear in a supermarket!
I admit that taking the baby out of the car into the wrap takes a little practice, but it really makes things easier when you go shopping for instance.
You can leave your shopping cart in the aisle unattended without worrying about the baby since he will be on you and will be kept warm. It is a fact that it is always freezing in supermarkets especially during the summer because of the AC which is just bad for our babies. So whether you use the scarf or a car seat to go grocery shopping just make sure to have a blanket handy if you don’t want to have a fussy baby in the store.
Baby carrier
If you choose the baby carrier, you’ll only be able to use it for 3 or 4 months that’s it. On top of that, look at how the baby is in one of those. Ask yourself if he really is comfortable with his legs and arms just dangling there. Also, the baby is supposed to be facing towards you, not the other way which a lot of people have a tendency of doing.
Accessories for bath and changing
A small BATHTUB for the bath will be very useful and necessary. If possible, get one that you can empty easily.
Various models exist. It’s up to you to know what is more practical for your house and you. One with an inclined seat is helpful to wash your baby. Who says bathtub says bath towel, get one with a hoody and in a big size, your baby is going to go grow anyways.
If you can find hand gloves that look like muppets, buy them, your baby will love them and find you hilarious.
Avoid buying too many things for the bath because yucky goo can accumulate easily.
If you can’t prevent yourself from getting the yellow rubber ducky, make sure to get one without a hole on the bottom as that’s where the yucky goo will come out eww. You wouldn’t want it to get inside your BABY’s mouth while playing, would you?
Whether it be for JUNIOR or BLONDIE BEAR, next to the changing pad, I had all the toiletries necessary. Keep them organized in baskets to make it handier.
You’ll need washcloths, creams, baby q-tips, small towels.
The most efficient way is to be able to change the baby in the bathroom, near the sink.

It’s a lot more practical with the washcloths that you use as wipes to rinse them. Also, it comes in handy when you need to rinse up if you just got hosed down by your little fireman.
When it comes to using wipes, first of all, if you buy throw away ones, at birth use the ones that are scent-free because of allergies.
If you want to limit the cost and your impact on the planet you can buy or make cloth ones out of cotton or bamboo. You can even cut out a big towel and make some out of that or use a hand glove.
Then, all you have to do is rinse/wash them. Easy enough. Of course, when you leave the house you might feel more comfortable using throw away ones.
As far as products go, the brand Mustela is fabulous but a bit pricy so get it as a gift. Vaseline does wonders for irritated bums and products with eucalyptus helps with common colds. You can put it in the bathwater or on the chest (when they are 6 months old).
For potty training, a potty will be necessary, doesn’t need to be fancy, we don’t want the kid to spend hours on it! We got ours at Ikea.
Unnecessary items
Don’t believe what society dictates as to what you NEED to have for a baby. Yes some of the items below can be practical but are not a necessity. You can easily do without and spend your money on other essentials that you will actually need for your baby.
The changing table, NOT NECESSARY
At least you can easily avoid this expense of getting a changing table.
When JUNIOR was born, we didn’t have enough money to buy the entire Babies R Us catalog (luckily we received a lot of presents).
So, we did what we could with what we had. We used my drafting table and drilled it into the wall and used it as our changing table. We put a small changing mattress on top of it and voilà!
As for BLONDIE BEAR, I used the same idea of a small changing mattress in our bathroom. We redid the bathroom as it was not very functional with the arrival of a baby and our place was small as is. We made sure that the counter was deep enough to hold the mattress with open shelves underneath. To make it even more practical for the change, we put huge baskets for cloth diapers or biodegradable ones and other daily needs.
Diaper pail
There is NO NEED for a diaper pail!! Really!! It’s totally useless! The bag has a tendency to not cooperate and the refills are expensive.
Needless to say, it’s something you can do without and it’s more money for your wallet. If you don’t want your trash to smell too much, shake the doodie off the diaper in the toilet, that is what it’s for, not our landfills! If the trash smells, take it out! You can also use cloth diapers (see the article on Cloth Diapers).
Accessories for the meals
A simple high chair will do (24.99$CAD or 12,99 euros at Ikea).
Your baby is not going to spend his life in it, just enough to take a meal. One more time, avoid unnecessary costs.
I used the same model on different continents with both of my boys. I wanted something functional and not bulky and guess what, the Ikea product (Antilop) is still running, 18 years!
As for the bibs, use big ones or washcloths, they are more useful in the long run. Made of plastic or out of cloth, it’s up to you (easier to clean off when it is plastic).
Once again, for the baby dishes, go to IKEA, it will do the trick. Plates that are divided are helpful, it allows the baby to differentiate the different aspects of his meal. An alternative option is to use bamboo plates with suction. It keeps the plate steady and less chance of spilling.
Accessories for the activities
Having a BOUNCY SEAT is a must-have in my eyes, but it doesn’t have to be motorized.
It’s the same concept as having a bassinet. You can carry it just about anywhere, in the kitchen while doing dishes for example. I know, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen.
You can start using it at a very young age, but not for long periods at a time, let’s not exaggerate!
What’s great with the bouncy seat, is that it ables the baby to discover his surroundings or to take a nap. It’s not always a good thing, I give you that, but we like it when the baby is sleeping. Shhhhuuuutttt.
An ACTIVITY MAT will be useful from o to 12 months and you can put it outside if you so wish. It’s relatively inexpensive but you can create your own if you are the crafty type.
You don’t need much else in terms of big accessories for the activities.

My kids were able to sit on their own at relatively a young age, they didn’t need a special seat to keep them sitting straight. Put pillows around him when he will start sitting, that’s it!
A Pack N Play play yard can be useful, especially when they start to move around. It helps to keep an eye on when you have to do things around the house and you have pets.

I found it useful when I had to prepare meals and had to keep an eye on BLONDIE BEAR. I would put the play yard in guess where? That’s right, the kitchen! I would put some music on (BLONDIE BEAR liked hard rock) and we both would have a hell of a good time.
The essentials items you don’t need
NO NEED for a swing. On the long run, it won’t be used very long and it really takes up space. Your baby likes to be rocked? It soothes him? Put him in the carrying scarf or in the stroller and go for a stroll.
NO NEED for an activity jumper/walker, it’s so bad for their legs and doesn’t teach them how to stand. Also, it takes up unnecessary space. If he has an activity mat and possibly a playpen, there is no need for that on top of it.
Accessories for the outings
The best of the best is the PEA POD by Kidco.
I discovered this product while reading a blog by a backpacker family. It is basically a pop-up tent that unfolds when you take it out of the bag and it comes with a mattress. It isn’t too big, fits in a big backpack and it is light.
Whether you are going to your in-laws or around the world, this product is USEFUL!! Doesn’t matter where you go, your baby will take comfort in having a familiar surrounding to sleep in.
If the mattress takes up too much space while traveling, you can just fold up some towels and put them underneath the tent while traveling. The PEAD POD can also be used on the beach, just beware of the wind.
Diaper bags

Diaper bags can be useful, but you can also live without them. You can just use a tote bag or backpack (less costly). I had found a great bag that also had a cooler and could be used as a booster seat: the diaper bag HOPPOP
As you can see in the picture below, it is quite comfortable to sleep in. Unfortunately, it has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
When we moved to Canada, BLONDIE BEAR had just turned 1. We didn’t buy a high chair, we just used this.
When your baby will be able to stand, you can put him behind a walker. Yes, just like the ones old people use. He can push it around and it’s great to get those legs strong!
Generally, on the front, there are toys that he can play with when he will have to take a break. You can easily find some on eBay or Kijiji, no need for it to be new.
Accessories for the baby
Regarding clothing, I always bought a size bigger. A baby gains weight and grows fast and it can get expensive to dress them. This way I got my money’s worth.
You can shop at Old Navy or H&M. For real, no need to buy fancy brands, waste of money when they are little. Remember they are people, not dolls.
Pyjamas with openings in between the legs or with a horizontal one in the lower back, make changing the baby a whole lot easier.
Cloth diapers are the way to go these days. Read our article about them HERE.
Light leather slippers are great for their feet until they start to move around a little (around 10 months). There is no need to buy expensive shoes. They won’t use them since they can’t walk!!
Blankets always come in handy to cover their little legs in the stroller, car seat, or bassinet. Three or four blankets should be enough.
As for the toys, try to buy wooden or cardboard ones. Again, there is no buy the whole store, don’t be ridiculous.
First of all, a baby can play with just about anything like an empty shoebox or tissue box.
Second of all, go to the library. Usually, there is a dedicated area for little ones with toys and books. Let him discover things there. Also, it’s a great way for him to interact with others. Sounds and senses people, sounds, and senses. There is no need for everything to be about flashing colors and loud annoying noises.
For book and toy ideas, check out our Bambini – Da Vinci Collection.
Try to keep the teddy bears to a bare minimum. They are a big source of allergies, just like having wall-to-wall carpet in the baby’s room. Don’t put teddy bears in the crib.
A music mobile for the crib can come in handy when it is time to sleep, especially if you are no Celine Dion. Our article about The Nights explains what to do to get some decent sleep with a baby.
NO NEED for a pacifier. I cried the first time I used one on JUNIOR when he was 2 months old, I felt so ashamed because I felt helpless.
Essential tips
Hopefully, now you know a little bit more about where you are going.
Budget wise, there are things you can receive as gifts or buy second hand.
Other than that, you have 9 months to set money aside and buy the ESSENTIALS for the BIG DAY.
Don’t forget that in order to leave the hospital with your BABY, you need a car seat!
[…] The ABC of parenthood…The Kit […]
[…] home: bed, stroller, car seat, diapers. For more ideas and suggestions, you can look at our article The Kit. This article tells you all about what to get and what not to get for a baby, no matter what your […]
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